San Francisco Nice
Our zest for the San Francisco Bay Area extends back to our windsurfing racing days when we spent weeks and months training & competing here. Summers in San Francisco offered plenty of wind but cool temperatures, especially compared to the balmy Virgin Islands. It was a treat to recently return and enjoy a perfectly gorgeous San Francisco weekend.

The weather was gorgeous so we took every advantage and clambered aboard a Newport 41 sailboat for an afternoon of cruising around the Bay. In a light seabreeze we tacked up under the Golden Gate bridge, which we think is one of the greatest structures every built by man. We sailed under the bridge listening to the hum of traffic several hundred feet above us, then out into the widening bay between San Francisco and Marin headlands where we saw black porpoises, seals and a sea lion, and shared the splendid afternoon with other boats.

The following day and in even better weather we took the top down on our car and drove up the coast to the Marshal Store on beautiful Tomales Bay where we sucked down delicious oysters and enjoyed a bottle of Sancerre. On the drive home we visited a farm stand in Bolinas, then diverted off Highway1 for a ride along the Seven Sisters ridge high above Stinson beach. We took in the sunset, which was a ball of fire dipping into the cold Pacific Ocean, and then descended into Mill Valley and back onto Hwy 101 to San Francisco.